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About Howto Marketing

Howto Marketing was set up by Thom Poole, a marketing expert with over 25 years senior international experience, and 12 years experience in training businesses to make the most of their marketing.

He was often confronted by people asking him 'how to do ...' which led to the idea of producing some handy pocket books on some common areas of marketing that people want to become more proficient in, and a website that will help students and business leaders find the resources they need to excel in their marketing operations.

In adddition to promoting our own books, we have links to Amazon (UK) for the influential marketing books of the last 10-15 years (with an empahsis on the most up-to-date information. The resources also contain links to websites that you may find beneficial in your understanding.

In addition to Thom, we have a number of specialist marketers who are available to answer any questions you may have about any aspect of marketing.